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Everyday you have your breakfast to feed your body. But you also need to nourish your mind. If you are not a breakfast person then have it for lunch or supper.

The point is to make the time, slow down a bit.

Putting our minds in the right frame helps us to focus on what is really important.


Our lives have to many distractions, always fighting for supremacy.

Reset your priorities, get some peace of mind and get close to God.

Proverbs 27:19 ”As in water face reflects face, so a man’s HEART reveals the man.”

Before I go to sleep I want to share this reflection about the bible verse Proverbs 27:19... reflect from it and be TRULY BEAUTIFUL! good night :))



that’s not exactly true.
True beauty is NOT in the eye of the beholder … “TRUE BEAUTY IS IN THE HEART OF THE BEHELD”.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
God says that true beauty springs up out of the heart.
God says that it’s our heart that reveals how beautiful we are … or aren't?


How good do you look? How beautiful are you?
Are you a beautiful man? Are you a beautiful woman?

Over the next few minutes, let me encourage you to take your own eye and be the beholder of your own heart.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
How beautiful is your own heart? For therein, lies your true beauty!

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts

How beautiful is your own heart toward God?
How beautiful is your own heart toward others?
How beautiful is your own heart toward you?

God says it (beauty) all starts in your heart.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Proverbs 27:19

“As in water face reflects face, so a man’s HEART reveals the man (so a woman’s heart reveals the woman).”

Jesus said it this way.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Luke 6:45

“A good man out of the good treasure of his HEART brings forth good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART his mouth speaks.” (like so, a good woman out of the good treasure of her heart brings forth good …)

You see,
Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
God says the heart of beauty is THE BEAUTY OF THE HEART!

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts

The heart is where it starts.
Here’s why …

God said this about men and beauty.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
1 Samuel 16:7

“But the LORD said, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature … for the LORD does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, BUT THE LORD LOOKS AT THE HEART.’”

And God said this about women and beauty.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Proverbs 31:30

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
1 Peter 3:3-4

“Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel—rather LET IT BE THE HIDDEN PERSON OF THE HEART, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”
Hey man!
God says make sure you LOOK GOOD on the inside … the inward appearance.

Hey lady!
God says make sure you LOOK GOOD on the inside … the inward appearance.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Focus more on having a beautiful heart, and focus less on having a beautiful head!

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Here’s how …
Here’s how beauty – true beauty – starts in your heart!

Number 1, start to keep wisdom in the middle of your heart.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Proverbs 4:21-23

“Do not let wisdom depart from your eyes; KEEP WISDOM IN THE MIDST OF YOUR HEART; for it is life to those who find it and health to your flesh. KEEP YOUR HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE, for out of it spring the issues of life.”

Number 2,

Start to desire to ‘see’ God; start to desire a pure heart.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Matthew 5:8

“Blessed are the PURE IN HEART for they shall see God.”

Number 3,

Start to believe in heart that Jesus loves you (invite Jesus into your heart).

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
John 7:38

“He (or she) who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his (or her) HEART will flow rivers of living water.”

Number 4,

Start to treasure in your heart what God treasures in heaven.

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Matthew 6:21 and Luke 12:34

“For where your treasure is, there your HEART will be also.”

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
Do you want to look good? Do you want to be a truly beautiful man or woman?

Bible verses about true beauty and our hearts
That’s where it starts.

After all, beauty is not in the eye of the beholder …

Beauty is in the heart of the beheld.

Be beautiful!
Let God help you LOOK GOOD!!


"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.

          It's been an achievement for us, the NSTP Officers, for we had done a lot in the stage preparation, as well as in sash making for the CIT Olympics. Our efforts and sacrifices are very worthy for we had made the stage beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

It's been also a good time for us, to work as one, and to have bonding even if we are very tired. 

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