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How To Be Confident

We are all human and have flaws. Even if your physical appearance or social skills aren't what you wish they were, that doesn't have to stop you from exuding self-assurance. Here's how to believe in yourself.


1. Recognize your talents and good qualities. No matter how down you feel, try to pat yourself on the back a little and remember the things you excel at. Focusing on your better attributes will distract you from perceived flaws and boost your sense of worth. Think of your good qualities in looks, friendships, talents, and most of all, personality. Some people have certain flaws for example, they tend to hold onto their stomach when they sing. This can look awkward, but be sure to embrace it. If you're really at a high level of confidence, for example, you can even make it your signature move on stage. If you're struggling to come up with good qualities, try these tips:

  • Think back on compliments from other people. Maybe they've remarked on your smile, or your ability to stay cool and collected in stressful situations. Be sure to compliment them back!

  • Remember past accomplishments. It can be something other people recognized, like being at the top of your class, or something only you know about, like a quiet act of service to make life easier for someone else. Realize how great this was and consider doing it again, maybe at a higher level.

  • Think about the qualities you try to cultivate. No one's perfect, but if you're actively trying to be an honorable, good person, give yourself some credit for effort. The fact that you think about bettering yourself at all says that you're humble and good-hearted, and those are positive attributes.

  • Make a list. Write down everything you can think of, and refer back to it next time you're feeling down. Add to it as you remember more things you can take pride in doing.


2. Remember that everyone struggles with confidence. Some people are good at hiding it, but nearly every person has struggled with his or her self-confidence at one point. You're not alone!
Try not to feel like all eyes are on you, all the time. Most people are probably too preoccupied with how they appear to be constantly judging you. Breathe a sigh of relief and recognize that you don't have to be perfect all the time.

  • Build your confidence by helping others. Take time to pay someone else a compliment, or do an unannounced good deed. You'll brighten their day, and you'll feel better about yourself.

  • Stop comparing yourself with everyone else. Not everything is a competition, and viewing life that way will wear you out. You don't have to be smartest, prettiest, most popular person in order to be happy. If you have a strong competitive streak that you can't completely ignore, try competing with yourself instead and strive to keep getting better.

3. Accept compliments gracefully. Don't just roll your eyes and shrug it off — own it! Make eye contact, smile, and say "thank you." Being nice about it when someone else wants to compliment you doesn't compromise your humility; it shows that you're polite and have a secure sense of self-worth.

  • Pay a compliment in return. If you're still uncomfortable taking compliments, try giving one back after you've accepted. This can help you feel like the score is "even" and you haven't been too prideful.


4. Don't over-apologize. Being able to say you're sorry is a good trait (and something too many people struggle with). However, be careful to say it only when necessary. Apologizing when you've slighted or inconvenienced someone is polite. Apologizing when you haven't done anything wrong, though, can make you feel subordinate and like you should be sorry. Before it slips out of your mouth, take a second to make sure this is a situation that actually needs an apology from you.
Use workarounds. You can express your sympathy or regret without actually apologizing. For instance, if you're worried about inconveniencing someone, you could say "I hope this hasn't been too much trouble" instead of automatically reverting to "I'm sorry."


5. Talk one notch louder than the other person. Thats a simple and an effective psychological technique to become confident. When you are talking louder your sub-conscious and unconscious mind is recording your attitude towards the situation(you are sending the signal that I'm confident whether you are with me or not) and as you make it as a habit you will feel more self control and confident. But don't be dominating.


6. Make a list of things that are obstacles to your confident. Take a piece of paper or computer and write all the things that you think are keeping you from becoming confident, e.g., bad grades, introversion, not many friends or no friends. Now write if the thing is valid or logical.

  • Example. 'I didn't get a good grade', Explanation: Ok, so it means I will feel confident only when I will get good grades otherwise I will feel miserable and unconfident(is this logical? and isn't that extremely irrational), I thought confident means believing in yourself, when nobody else does. am I doing it?


7. Look the part. Or, as the saying goes, "fake it 'til you make it." If you know that you look like a confident, capable person, eventually you'll start to feel it, too. Try these tricks:

  • Take care of yourself. Devote a little time each day to personal hygiene and making sure you're presenting yourself well. Shower daily, brush and floss your teeth, and groom your skin and hair.

  • Dress for confidence. You don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe to feel better in your clothes. Instead, simply try to wear something clean every day. Take it a step further by doing laundry often enough that you feel like you have a choice about what to wear in the morning, instead of settling for whatever isn't dirty.

  • Perfect your posture. How you carry yourself communicates a lot to other people, so make sure you're telling them that you're confident and in-charge. Keep your shoulders back, your spine straight, and your chin high. Walk with purpose instead of dragging your feet, and sit up straight.

  • Smile and make eye contact. It's a subtle change, but it can work wonders on how other people perceive you. Don't be afraid to meet the gaze of someone else, and keep your grin in easy reach — both of these things can disarm most social situations and make everyone feel more comfortable.


8. Embrace your interests. If there's a sport or hobby you've always wanted to be good at, now's the time! Improving your skills will reinforce that you are talented, and subsequently boost your confidence. Learn a musical instrument or a foreign language, take up an art form like painting, start building projects — whatever it is that catches your interest.

  • Don't get discouraged if you're not immediately awesome. Remember that learning is a process, and you're in it for the small victories and the relaxing recreation time, not to be the best ever.

  • Take up a hobby you can do with a group. Finding like-minded people who share your interests can be an easy way to make friends and build confidence. Look around your community for groups you can join, or find kinship with fellow hobbyists online.


9. See confidence as a process, not a singular achievement. Having confidence isn't a finish line you cross once, and the process won't always move forward — there will be days when you feel like you're starting from square one. Take a deep breath, remember the self-confidence hurdles you've already cleared, and resolve to keep going. In the toughest of times, it is good to make it your duty to pat yourself on the back even if you didn't do anything.


  • It's odd, even hard at first, but imagine yourself in various situations where you display confidence, wit, or leadership. By simply picturing yourself doing such things, being self-confident becomes less of a foreign concept and you begin to believe that you can.
  • Make goals for yourself, not expectations.
  • Be thankful for what you have. A lot of the times, at the root of insecurity and lack of confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether it's emotional validation, good luck, money, etc. By acknowledging and appreciating what you do have, you can combat the feeling of being incomplete and unsatisfied. Finding that inner peace will do wonders for your confidence.
  • Listen to an inspirational or happy song that puts you in a good mood. Steer clear of sad or depressing music.
  • Develop a habit of positive self-talk for 7 days. After that it will get easier. Add more of a conscious positive attitude each week for the next 3 weeks. After 30 days you have a new habit. After that, all you need to do is to maintain it.
  • Retrain your inner voice. In situations where you believe you lack confidence, realize that your inner voice is telling you negative things. You need to retrain that inner voice to be positive at those times.
  • When you wake up in the morning, look into the mirror and tell yourself that you've made it this far in life and you're not going to let anything or anyone put you down.
  • Speak positively. When you hear yourself saying something negative about yourself, instantly replace it with a positive comment.
  • Try not to worry too much of what people think of you and trust in yourself! You are the only one who truly knows yourself!
  • Do something for yourself. Do one thing you have been wanting to do, but are afraid someone else will not like. Dye your hair, get that new look, have a treat that you enjoy, go on holiday....whatever you do, do it for yourself, and practice not worrying what anyone else thinks about it.


Today, I was fortunate enough to have been invited to see "Bonifacio: Isang Sarsuwela", the latest original stage musical production by Phil Stagers Foundation. Phil Stagers was also the company that brought us such historically significant theater such as "Cory sa EDSA" and "Joe: A Filipino Rockssical". This time, Atty. Vince Tanada, the heart and soul of Phil Stagers, wrote, directed and brought to life a most controversial and misunderstood Filipino Hero, Andres Bonifacio.

“It’s not the loosing that mattered, but it’s how they fought back”.
— by an anonymous old teacher in Philippine History.

Yes, Andres Bonifacio didn’t win in any battle he fought.
Yes, Andres Bonifacio died in a very shameful and bloody way.
And yes, Andres Bonifacio was never credited for all the sacrifices he did to FREE a nation.

But in the hearts of every Filipino man, Bonifacio was LOVED.

Because Bonifacio is the SYMBOL of every humble Filipino man. Who valued the lowly, the peasants, the poor, and the unprivileged.

Philippines, my country- ‘our’ country will always be the home of a gentle and poor family, no matter what.

Its people never valued the riches of material wealth, but it valued the beauty of a land and the love with their fellowmen. That is, the “essence” of the play Bonifacio: Isang Sarsuwela.

Another magnificent play from Philippine Stagers Foundation. This time, they presented a dark play, filled-in with a beautiful and lingering music, directed in a very careful manner and undaunted angst, and, greatly acted-out by an ensemble cast of the most precious and powerful set of young performers ever to grace the stage of the theater scene.

We predict, Atty. Vince Tanada would again be nominated, if not win, in the coming Aliw Awards for Theater for his very “ethereal-like” performance as Andres Bonifacio. In every scene, he encountered great acting challenges and demands, wowed the audience and offered a new dimension in seeing a hero more deeper and more “brain-shattering” this time around.

Did Bonifacio really choose to die to save a NATION?

He knew that he was not really safe there in Naic, Cavite when Aguinaldo invited him there. And he even convinced his most-trusted man and best friend Emilio Jacinto to leave him and go back to Manila. He knew something’s going to happen… For this blogger’s conclusion, he really chose to offer himself just to give his beloved country a CHANCE to live. And he chose to die.

That’s how great ‘one’ Bonifacio man could be.

One of the most powerful scenes in the play was when Emilio Jacinto (amazingly characterized and portrayed by no less than Mr. Patrick Libao) was crying upon learning of Bonifacio’s death. Together with Macario Sakay (acted-out with great “bloody passion” by Mr. Chin Ortega), they both shouted, did hysterics, knelt onstage and showed to the audience the greatest sad feeling of loosing a HERO. It was so heartfelt, so penetrating- it made us cry.

That was the July 13 performance of the play at SM North. A blogger watched it on its 5 P.M. show.
The audience was indeed full. Mostly students, teachers, fans and theater-lovers.

The costume design of Emy Tanada could bring you to the past. It’s very realistic, very ‘Filipino’-looking. It could really bring you back to this page in a history of the beloved Philippines back in your mind again. Just like Bonifacio in my mind.

Another great aspect of the play was the lighting of Art Gabrentina. It was experimented and blended in a very beautiful manner. Just the right tone and texture of light in every scene. It went bright only at the end of the play, ‘coz it’s where the triumph of Bonifacio was totally felt.

Jeff Ambrosio’s stage design was simple but perfect. This Bonifacio version of PSF’s play didn’t need fabulous stage props or sceneries at the back. It only needed one vision: the unison of theKatipuneros in every scene. And Mr. Ambrosio captured that feeling with his ‘minimalism’ touch.

Jordan Ladra as Emilio Aguinaldo took his role so calmly and efficiently. He was consistent in every scene, standing brave, confident and proud. A tantalizing vision onstage.

The choral ensemble cast of the Katipuneros stood-out. You couldn’t take your eyes-off on them. You’d keep on looking at them on every scene, almost empowering the male lead- Vince. They were all so GREAT. No one failed.

But Vince had its way of capturing your heart right there onstage. He could look at you straight in your eyes and would deliver a feeling. He could CONNECT. That’s why the supporting cast could never, and would never be AT PAR with his acting style.

A supporting player of PSF caught this blogger’s attention. His name was Rotsen D’Etolle. He’s among the loyal troopers of Aguinaldo who killed Bonifacio right there onstage. His emotions of acting-out his “killer-character” was so vivid, so haunting.

It’s the bloodiest and most violent play that this blogger had watched. Especially the death scene of Bonifacio. You could feel a ‘stabbing sensation’ when Vince Tanada (as Bonifacio) was being hacked and stabbed by knives by the evil men. He was in very great pain. And again, how could he so effectively portray it? Whew.

Among the women performers, it’s Ms. Jerie Sanchez’ performance as Melchora Aquino that ‘allured’ this blogger. The way she spoke her trembling lines, the way she moved in an elderly fashion, and the way she conveyed the sad emotions of an old ‘woman-hero’- was truly FELT.

As the blogger was walking away from the venue, he could still hear in his mind the beautiful music created by Pipo Cifra in this memorable play. It haunted him for nights, like an orchestra and a music created by angels that woke him up every morning. With that, we salute Mr. Cifra.


No other Philippine hero could have done a greater task. And every living Filipino man must remember the name Andres Bonifacio.


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